Camper_N Nombre del Administrador: |FTS| zA'ntho.<3 -- miguelmore3008 Nombre del Servidor: #02 CAPTURE THE FLAG Fecha y Hora del Incidente: 07.02.2025 - 00:52:36 Descripción del Abuso: They have given me a ban for being a camper :p. The admin in question threatened to ban me and apparently they are not aware that the place I was positioned is legal, looking for an excuse to ban they invented an excuse like "that I was rude." I don't like threats, I know the rules perfectly and I know where it is legal and where it is not. First they say they "warned" me but apparently it comes with rude words and 2 kicks. I only invite the admins to behave like admins and stop the insults and learn the rules like: "All door frames are prohibited (such as the one in Dust), only those positioned in front of the flag are valid."
Vil_Facari Buen día, primeramente la zona donde está el player es válida, la razón "Camper" no aplica ya que en el servidor Capture The Flag el "Camper" es completamente valido. El ADM será suspendido 3 días por ban mal aplicado